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Beger Cement Tile-Bond Super T-200 (Red bag) is imported from Germany and is tile adhesive for large tiles, swimming pool tiles, and standard tiles. Its Diamond Bond Technology offers excellent adhesion. It is suitable for exterior and interior floor & wall tiling and tile with up to 100x100 cm.*
*100x100 cm. tile is only for floor tiling
Tile adhesive T-200 (Red bag)
Tile adhesive for swimming pool tiles and large tiles provides high adhesion power with Diamond Bond Technology from Germany.
Application Area 2-8 sq.m./ 20 kg. (Depending on the tile size)
Adhesive point 6.5/7 (Star)
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You can order Beger Cement Tile-Bond Super T-200 at these online shops (Click on Logo)
Or you can order at a Beger store nearby.